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Monthly/Annual Rainfall data for Somalia (Provisional)

Basic statistics (Mean, maximum, mnimum,standard deviation, coefficient of variation)of rainfall for all regions of Somalia for a continous record of more than 5 years.

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United Nations Development Program, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome (Italy)

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World Bank

Publication Type:

Conference Proceedings

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Corporate Author:

FAO, Rome (Italy). Land and Water Development Div.

Mogambo Irrigation Project, Report on phase II development - Surface irrigation

(Extract from the introduction) The Mogambo Irrigation Project (MIP) have suggested that a limited development of the Phase II area could be implemented by the inclusion of the areas of basin soils not developed under Phase I together with the marginal areas of land included in the Phase II area proposed for sprinkler irrigation but capable of economic development by surface irrigation. This note delineates these areas and proposes surface methods of irrigation suitable for these lighter soils with a less uniform topography.

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Sir M MacDonald and Partners Limited

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Sir M MacDonald and Partners Limited

Hydrogeology and water quality of central Somalia Volume II - Hydrogeochemical data

This section of the Water Quality Data Book (Central Somalia) consists of the basic hydro-geochemical data used in the evaluation of the water quality in Central Somalia. It Contains existing information compiled from 28 sources and new data collected in 1985-86, Totaling 1,001 sets of data (data records). A computer data Base was established to process this large volume of information, which is stored on magnetic diskettes .A variety of computer programs were used to present the data in a uniform and meaningful manner, appropriate for easy consultation.

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Faillace, C, Faillace, E.,R.

Corporate Author:

German Agency for Technical Cooperation, Water Development Agency, Somalia

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Corporate Author:

Roscoe Moss Inc, Louis Berger International Inc

(Somalia) Water Well Drilling Team Under The China National Complete Plant Export Corporation

In line with the stipulations of Item II in Article II of the 'Agreement on Technical and Economic Cooperation' signed in Beijing on April 18, 1978, between the Government of the People's republic of China and the Government of the Somali Democratic Republic, the China National Complete Plant Export Corporation Dispatched a 'study group to Somalia in November, 1978, and, on April 28, 1979, signed in Mogadishu the andrdquoNotesandrdquoon the Talks about the Project of Well Drilling Tug Dher, Sanag, Bari and Nugal. The Notes stipulates that the Chinese Government would undertake the project of drilling 30 wells and of their wellhead assembly in the four northern regions of Somalia. Besides, China agreed to drill 6 we11s for Hargeisa water Supply expansion project, which was proposed by the Ministry of Mineral and Water Resources. This the report for the task

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China National Complete Plant Export Corporation

Comprehensive groundwater development project Volume II: General activities

This End of Project report (EPR) summarizes the results of five years of intensive effort to investigate and to develop the groundwater resource potential of Somalia. The scarcity 0f dependable water supplies for the rural population and for their livestock is one of the most serious constraints to the economic development of the country. The Government of the Democratic Republic of Somalia (GDRS), in recognition of this problem, and in cooperation with the United States Agency for International Development ( U S A I D ) , estaSlished and funded the Comprehensive Groundwater Development Project (CGDP), This project was administered through the Water Development Agency (WDA) of the ministry of Minerals of Minerals and Water Resources, and was provided technical assistance by the firm of Louis Berger International, (LBI), in association with the Roscoe Moss Company (hereinafter referred to as LBII/RM). In addition 20 deveioping water supplies in the designated priority areas of the Bay, Hiran, Galgadud, and Mudug Regions (Figure) the overall purpose of the CGDP was to strengthen the WDA is capabiiity to construct,operate, and maintain rural water supply systems. As a further inducement to accomplish these goals, the CCDP was designed to be integrated with two existing USAID projectsthe Bay Region Agricultural Development project (BRAGB) and the Central Rangelands Development Project (CRDP).br; bVolumesb :ol li Executive Summary /li liGeneral Activities/li liHydrogeology/li liAppendix for volume 2/li liAppendices for volume 3/li /ol

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Corporate Author:

Water Development Agency, Somalia, Roscoe Moss Inc, Louise Berger Int'l inc

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Conze,P.; Labahn,T.

Corporate Author:

German Agency for Technical Cooperation


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