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Land Suitability of the Southern Areas of Interest Ku haboonaansho Dhul ee Aag
Acacia nilotica Koofur la DarsayTugaar
Azadirachta indica Geed Hindi
Conocarpus lancifolius Baxrasaaf
Citrus Liin Macaan/ Bombelmo
Cotton Suuf/ Cudbi
Cowpea Digir
Maize Galey
Paddy Rice (irrigated) Bariis (waraab)
Sorghum Masago/ Haruur
Sugarcane (irrigated) Qasab sonkor (waraab)
Camels Geel
Cattle Lo’
Somalia Water and Land Information Management - SWALIM
Ngecha Road, Lake view, NAIROBI, P.O. Box 30470 - 00100
Tel: +254 722 509 286, +254 735 702 950, +254 734 600 535 Email:
SWALIM is Funded by the European Union and implemented by the Food & Agriculture Organization of the United Nations