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Steinfield, H., Haan S., Blackburn H.

Corporate Author:

European Commission, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome (Italy)

Agro-ecological Zoning; Guidelines

The procedures described in this publication are intended as optional guidelines to assist people throughout the world but particularly in developing countries to improve their own evaluations of their land and water resources and their own decisions on their use. Users' records and annotated experiences with the contents of the guidelines, comments on their usefulness and applicability and suggestions for improvements will be welcome to enable a future re-issue to be upgraded in the light of experience.

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Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome (Italy)

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Calabresi,G.,, ESA, Juerg Litchtenegger

Corporate Author:

European Space Agency, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome (Italy)

Bari water rehabilitation study Volume I Final report

This study to the rehabilitation of water supply in the Bari region was held by 2 ConsultantsSAWA (Netherlands) and 4 consultants, contracted by SPDS (Somalia). The study was on request of the European Union Somalia Unit. The main purpose of the study was to come to the formulation of two feasible urban and one rural water rehabilitation programme in the region, which can be financed through the EU NGO rehabilitation programme. The report gives a draft of the methodology used (Chapter 1), the context of Bari Region (Chapter 2), the available water resources (Chapter 3) and the economic feasibility (Chapter 4). Based on this information it comes to a philosophy and a plan for further water development (Chapter 5), and a selection of short term and long term projects. For these projects a general outline of the approach (Chapter 6) and the institutional aspects (Chapter 7) are given. Site reports and sketches of the villages and towns visited by the team are collected in a separate report, volume II.

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Lieshout R., SAWA, Bouman D., SAWA, Saleh S., SPDS, Habash M. S. A., Eng. Samanter, Ali M. A., Agriculture and Community Services, Mohamed S., SPDS

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Bari water rehabilitation study Volume I Final report

This study to the rehabilitation of water supply in the Bari region was held by 2 ConsultantsSAWA (Netherlands) and 4 consultants, contracted by SPDS (Somalia). The study was on request of the European Union Somalia Unit. The main purpose of the study was to come to the formulation of two feasible urban and one rural water rehabilitation programme in the region, which can be financed through the EU NGO rehabilitation programme. This Volume presents the site reports and sketches of the villages and towns visited. All the information gathered is based on interviews and observations made by 1Cm study team. Where budgets and materials are summarised it should be clear that these are rough estimates only. The consultant used these figures for comparison, not for project preparation. Volume I of the study describes the plan for water development in the Bari region

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Lieshout R., SAWA, Bouman D., SAWA, Saleh S., SPDS, Habash M. S. A., Eng. Samanter, Ali M. A., Agriculture and Community Services, Mohamed S., SPDS

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Planning for Sustainable Use of Land Resources:Towards a new approach

This publication clarifies issues and emerging concepts relating to a new integrated and holistic approach to land use planning in line with the needs of Chapter 10 (Integrated Approach to the Planning and Management of Land Resources) of Agenda 21 of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED). Definitions of land, natural resources and the various types of planning are presented and discussed. The paper introduced elements to be considered, such as land tenure issues, stakeholders, land qualities and sustainability indicators, together with the relationship between rural and urban planning. A planning sequence is briefly outlinedit begins with definition of objectives and includes the development of a framework for decision-making, the development of information databases and tools and multiple goal analysis. Finally the institutional aspects of planning and implementation are briefly discussed.

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Corporate Author:

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome (Italy)

Flora of Somalia, Volume 4- Angiospermae (Hydrocharitaceae - Pandanaceae)

The aim of the project is to cover all vascular plants known to occur in Somalia, and establish a foundation for all future plant related work in the country. This fourth volume (The second one to appear in a planned series of four ) covers the monocotyledons. With this volume we get for the first time a detailed picture of those grasses, sedges, palms, sea grasses, lilies, e.t.c. that grow in Somalia. 585 species are treated, 50 of which have been described as new wthin the project. A number of species additional to volume 1 are also included in the project (extract from the books abstract)

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Thulin M. (Editor)

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Corporate Author:

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome (Italy), Italian Cooperation

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Corporate Author:

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome (Italy)


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