Project of the Government of XXXX


Rehabilitation of Affected Forests, Afforestation and Restoration of the Biological Diversity in ... Municipality of Yyyy Province (Country Xxxx) (ASIA)




Government of ....

Recipient Country:

Yyyy Province (Country Xxxx)

Government Implementing Agency:

Yyyy Provincial Department of Forestry


30 months

Estimated Contribution:

US$ 520,000

Estimated Starting Date:

May 200-


1. Within the framework of this agreement with the Government of ... (the Donor), the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) will supply assistance for the execution of the following project:

Title: Rehabilitation of Affected Forests, Afforestation and Restoration of the Biological Diversity in ... Municipality of Yyyy Province (Country Xxxx)

Estimated Costs: Donor Government Contribution: US$ 520,000

A detailed description of project design, including background, objectives, outputs and activities and related workplan, is provided in Part II of the present document.

FAO Obligations

2. FAO shall be responsible for the recruitment, international travel, salaries and emoluments of the international staff (except volunteers) shown in Part II. Appointments of international staff assigned to the field project identified within this agreement will be submitted to the Government/Yyyy Province for clearance. All staff will work under the direction of the Project Director who, on behalf of FAO, is responsible for the technical execution of the project.

3. FAO will provide the equipment and supplies shown in Part II. The equipment will remain the property of FAO for the duration of the project. Its ultimate destination shall be decided by FAO in consultation with the Government.

4. FAO will arrange for supervisory travel visit to the project, to be financed from project costs as shown in Part II.

5. All FAO's obligations arising under this Project Agreement shall be subject to (i) the decisions of its governing bodies and to its constitutional, financial and budgetary provisions, and (ii) the receipt of the necessary contribution from the Donor. Any obligations assumed by FAO may, at any time, be taken over by the Donor.

6. FAO may, in consultation with the Donor and the recipient Government/Yyyy Province, execute part or all of the project by sub-contract. The selection of the sub-contractors shall be made, after consultation with the Government/Yyyy Province, in accordance with FAO's procedures.

Government/Yyyy Province Obligations

7. The Government/Yyyy Province shall take all necessary measures to facilitate the execution of the project and to assist the FAO staff in obtaining such services and facilities as they may require to fulfil their tasks. The Government/Yyyy Province shall apply to FAO, its property, funds and assets, its officials and to the persons performing services on its behalf, in connection with the project, the provisions of the Convention of Privileges and Immunities of the Specialized Agencies; the currency exchange rate will be that established with the United Nations.

8. The Government/Yyyy Province shall deal with any claims brought by third parties against FAO, its personnel or other persons performing services on its behalf in connection with the project, except when it is agreed by FAO and the Government that such claims arise from gross negligence or willful misconduct of such persons.

9. The Government/Yyyy Province shall be responsible for the recruitment, salaries and social security measures of the national staff. The Government/Yyyy Province shall also provide the facilities and supplies shown in Part II, as and when required for the project.

10. The Government/Yyyy Province shall grant to the staff of FAO and of the Donor and to persons acting on their behalf, access to the project site and to any material or documentation relating to the project and shall provide any relevant information to such staff or persons.

11. The Government/Yyyy Province is responsible for the cost of import and customs clearance of project equipment, its transportation, handling, storage and related expenses within the country; its safe custody, maintenance, insurance and replacement, if necessary, after delivery to the project site.


12. FAO will report on the project to the Donor and recipient Government as detailed in Part II.

13. The Government shall agree to the dissemination of information like descriptions of the project and of its objectives and results, for the purpose of educating public opinion.

Amendments and Termination

14. This Project Agreement may be amended or terminated by mutual consent. Termination shall also take effect sixty days after receipt by either part of written notice from the other party. In the event of termination, the obligations already assumed by the Government/Yyyy Province shall remain in force to the extent necessary to permit orderly withdrawal of the funds and assets of FAO and of personnel performing services on its behalf.

15. The Project Agreement shall enter into force upon signature by both parties.

For the Government of
Country Xxxx

For the Food and Agriculture
Organization of the United Nations


FAO Signature __________________

Date __________________

Date __________________

Rehabilitation of Affected Forests, Afforestation and Restoration of the Biological Diversity in ... Municipality of Yyyy Province



The mid-section of the ... River has been the area most affected by the flood that happened in 1998 when this mighty river overflowed and invaded an important portion of its valley. An important amount of assets were lost including entire villages, croplands and forests. The Government of Xxxx designated the Yyyy Province and in particular the ... Municipality as areas of priority efforts to offset the consequences of the flood, alleviate people's suffering and restore natural resources including forest resources. The present project aims at :

  • restoring damaged natural and pre-existing plantations through management and restorative silviculture;
  • contributing to the reduction of impact of the floods including prevention for the future through plantation of 1500 ha of poplar, camphora and pines in appropriate areas;
  • restoring watersheds and protecting specific areas of forests for protection and conservation of biological diversity; in this around 1000hectares will restored and fenced off for conservation;
  • introducing new approaches to community/participatory forestry;
  • providing complementary training and sensitization to an already competent forestry staff, but further opening them up to new concepts and approaches in the concept of UN agenda 21 and Country Xxxx application of this agenda and the National Forestry Action Programme.

The project will be mainly implemented by staff of the National Department of Forestry and in particular its units in Yyyy Province and ... Municipality.


Xxxx is a huge country with a varied climate, large parts of the country being affected by changing weather conditions the effect of which can be perceived in remote areas far from the originating phenomena. During the year 1998, the most severe flood of its history along the ... River seriously affected Xxxx. The resulting degradation affected many localities and communities. Losses were important including humans and their wealth and assets. Natural ecosystems and resources were also affected including the ecological processes and mechanisms that secure land and vegetation stability. After caring for the emergency situation, the Government must address the rehabilitation operations in the medium and long term to restore stability and sustainable production.

The Geographical Setting and the Recent Events:

As already announced Yyyy Province was gravely affected all over and ... Municipality resulted to be one who had supported the most severe damages through direct economic loss estimated to reach 1987 million-local currency (lc). The loss or degradation of an area of 13 060 hectares of forests accounted for 104 million lc of this total economic loss. About 5 200 people living in the forest have been affected. The forest and ecological environment have been destroyed in the area. In view of his situation, helping the flood victims rebuild their homeland and restore their economy and reinstate ecological balance in their environment have become the major objective and goal of post-flood construction programme in Yyyy Province. International assistance and cooperation seems to be badly needed in supporting:

  • the rehabilitation of affected and degraded forest and tree resources and the reinstallation of land husbandry and anti-erosion soil and water conservation practices;
  • the conservation of remaining biodiversity rich areas;
  • the re-establishment of sustainable livelihoods and local rural development.

Description of the Sector and Sector Strategy

As in all Xxxx caring for forests and trees have been well established practices in the region and particularly in the ... Municipality. It is reported that as early as 1970's, ... Municipality was well known both at home and abroad for its great efforts towards the husbandry and protection the forest resources. In the framework of FAO former TCDC Programme, the former Chief of the Division of Forest Resources of FAO, led a delegation of 17 foresters from all over the world (17 countries) to visit ... and its achievements in forestry and derive lessons therein for improved practice back home.

Relevant On-going Assistance:

The Yyyy Provincial Department of Forestry is reported to have a well organized set up that was able to implement a number of cooperative projects among which those financed by the World Bank, ..... This has produced rich experience. On national overall efforts for the forestry sector it should be noted that the Government of Xxxx (GOC) has provided the forestry sector with various sound policy elements and strong. It has developed and is implementing a National Forestry Action in the framework of Xxxx's implementation of UNCED Agenda 21. This provides a sound basis and foundation for the project.

The province over all disposes of a number of forestry professionals and technicians engaged in various aspects of forest resources conservation and development including management of the forests, forestry education and training, forestry research, extension.

In October 1998, the ... Municipal decided on a bold action to expand protection forests along the ... River and designed plans to that effect for a number of specific areas of its territory. The present proposal is made in the framework of this initiative.



... has a land area of 1504 square kilometers. The main river crossing it's territory being the ... River over 88 km. With the vagaries of this main watercourse, a number of flood control structures are needed. There is a 66 km-long embankment section within the municipality's boundary. Four other key sections of embankment exist in other parts of the Yyyy Province. 136 lakes of various sizes exist in the municipality with a total water area of 484.4 sq. km. ...Lake, which interests the cities of .., .., ... and .. Prefecture, has a catchment area of 2085 sq. km and a water area of 28,000 ha. all year round. The annual water storage of the Lake is 1.5 billion cubic meters. Around the lake wetland formations cover 3,000 ha. The water from the lake joins the ... River through .., allowing the establishment by the Government of the Asia biggest hydropower and irrigation system. This shows the magnitude of the assets depending on ecological balance of the natural system in the area and the importance of the existence of vegetation and other live systems that could buffer the natural phenomena.

Indeed, due to natural resources degradation and imbalance introduced in the ecological environment and natural systems within the boundary of ... Municipality, about 660 sq. km of land is affected by:

  • loss of water resources through seepage and other processes;
  • land degradation and bank degradation, erosion and soil loss which increases the lake bed by 1 meter every 10 years;
  • related siltation leading to the deposit of about 2 million tons of silt from the lake into the ... River;
  • formation of natural islands over 2,000 ha of recently formed alluvial land, which often leads to modifications in the course of the river and entails stabilization work.

The continued loss of water and land/soil resources, the likely modification brought about to the vegetation and at the same time the exceptional ecological niches provided by the location and phenomena prevailing in the area, clearly show, the need and rationale for action that aim to buffering the effects of natural phenomenon, rehabilitating ecological conditions and restoring degraded resources.

Situation and Problems to be addressed:

The area as affected by natural conditions linked to flood processes of the potent ... River experience a variety of situations in the resource base including the following:

  • Unstable geomorphology: siltation being a continuing process contributes to modification of landforms through creation of islands or modification of the river course. As an example it is indicated that a beach was formed at the junction between the ... River and ... Lake, which forced the .. to change its course and cause the destruction of a dozen of villages after the breach of the river dikes. 12 km downstream the place of this tragedy, a 1500 ha sedimentation induced sandbank has barred the ... River. Indeed as a result of contradictory and complementary processes of erosion and silt deposition, this area is affected frequent modification of the land area and related loss of water and soil resources;
  • Unpredictable and destructive erosion processes: which cause loss of natural or artificial plant formations and affect through the resulting increase of water load change the pattern of distribution of fertile lands and the stability of human settlements
  • Modification and/or fragmentation of the forest resources as they are affected by floods and unplanned exploitation following natural disasters;
  • Degradation of important complex natural systems harbouring diverse and rich biological resources;
  • socio-economic hazards and vulnerability linked to the occurrence of potent natural phenomena.

Justification for immediate action in the ... Municipality:

In 1998, the disastrous, world wide publicized flood caused by the overflowing of the .. River provoked great damages to the vegetation, affected water resources economy, affected soils on large areas and further degraded the ecological environment. Immediate reaction to these events was deemed necessary not only to face emergencies but also to engage in medium term rehabilitation and prevention including river-harnessing work in the locations most affected like ... municipality in the province of Yyyy. Taking account of the magnitude of the task, it was also deemed necessary, along with the national resources largely affected to this endeavour, to resort to international solidarity so as to be able to quicken the ecological protection and rehabilitation of the forest cover and alleviate socio-economic hardship borne by the local population.

Project Strategy:

The strategy to be developed by the project, that the various elements that will guide its action are envisaged as follows.

i) organizing and mobilizing the provincial and local institutional structures and able human resources on a focused set of objectives aiming at the restoration of natural resources and related functional processes:

The project area has abundant human resources, an adequate institutional setting and able forestry staff in a position to undertake most of the operations planned in the present project. It will be however necessary to organize these resources in a more specific result oriented set up. The majority of people has a high degree of initiative in and may be better organized to engage for, developing activities towards forest protection and ecological conservation;

ii) identifying worst affected areas and designing and implementing forest and soil rehabilitation activities:

Through this it is envisaged that the project undertake planning activities that will define a local plan of action for undertaking i) rehabilitation work on the natural or previously existing forest and tree formations; ii) plantation of trees to establish new artificial forests; structure and production system stabilization through regenerative work using grass shrub and tree species;

iii) identification, assessment and protection of selected forest and other non-forest areas for protection and ecosystem conservation:

The area under the project is naturally rich and has diverse biological resources and systems. Their protective services will have to be enhanced so that they recover their full protective role and continue providing the environmental services expected from them including shielding against natural disasters or buffering them. They will be also assessed for and protected in view of the conservation of the biological diversity they contain.

Location and Institutional Framework:

The actions envisaged through the implementation of this project will involve 5 townships of ... Municipality, namely, ..... and ... ... Municipality is situated in the southeastern part of Yyyy Province, just 50km away from ... the capital city of the province. Its geographic location is between Long. 114 30'and 115 15'E and Lat. 30' and 30 36' N.

The project envisaged is intended to be implemented as an FAO- -Government of Xxxx cooperative project but will address issues and problems at a very decentralized level. It has been noted the advanced situation of provincial Forestry services in Yyyy and in ... Municipality.

In the project area, there are four (4) county-level forestry bureaus, thirty-two (32) township forestry stations, one (1) extension centre, one (1) forestry research institute, one (1) seed and seedling station and one (1) key main nursery. There are 92 technical staff, including 8 senior engineers, 28 engineers and 56 technicians. Additionally, the Provincial Department of Forestry and provincial forestry institutions engaged in scientific research, design and survey and technical extension are well-organized and staffed with competent technical personnel, who can meet the needs of the project.

The major institutional set up and responsibilities could be seen as follows:

  • the project is managed by a project management Unit at the main township, that is in Yyyy province and located at the Forestry Department who will play the role of overall institutional counterpart; in other administrative circumscriptions (municipality and counties), teams will be established under a group leader to supervise, guide and monitor activities and results;
  • The leader of the Provincial Forestry Department will be overall project leader; he will be seconded in relevant activities under the project, by competent members among his staff;
  • other secondary units will be established at county/township level to be headed by head of the local forestry Department team.

It is expected that the Forestry Department as a whole give full support to the design

of the project management set up and its implementation.


Reasons for Assistance:


Through the rehabilitation, extension and management of the forest cover, land restoration and conservation of the biological diversity, the project will aim at restoring the resource base, reinstating stable and sustainable livelihood systems and living standard and an improved ecological environment in the region. To that end the project will undertake:

  • forest rehabilitation and management activities;
  • afforestation and soil and water conservation activities;
  • identification characterization and protection of conservation areas for biologically significant ecosystems.


Immediate Objectives:

The project on the basis of the above elements will pursue the following immediate objectives:

  • Identify, assess the situation of and rehabilitate through management and restorative silvicultural activities, natural or previously established artificial forests in the area;
  • Rehabilitate through plantation, the local forest resources;
  • Identify, characterize and effect work on significant selected forest areas for their protection and/or the conservation of the biologically diversity they contain.
  • Improve and promote through training, enhanced extension service and education the capability of Forestry Staff and people's involvement in forest resources development and conservation.


Description of Outputs and Activities




Observations on achievements criteria

31.1. Identify, assess the situation of and rehabilitate through silviculture and management, existing forest formations

i) existing forest resources appraised through rapid and expedient methods

1. survey existing forests and

2. plantations;

3. identify affected areas in the region

Existence of sketchy but clear maps of the forest situation


ii) most affected and/or disturbed areas identified

4. map areas ear-marked for rehabilitation efforts

* Clear localization and characterization of affected areas


iii) salvage management programme established and adopted;

1.establish restorative management programmes;

2. evolve ad hoc silvicultural measures

* Material documenting the various operations and techniques to be used


iv) new management and silvicultural prescriptions enacted

1. train staff through discussion of restorative measures and workshops for knowledge/skills upgrading;

2. launch and implement restorative management and silviculture

* evident good health and vitality of natural forests and plantations;

* existence of products from affected forests as a result of restorative silviculture and implementation of management

31.2. Rehabilitate through plantation, the local forest resources;

about 1,500 hectares established in selected locations of the ... Municipality during project lifetime (500 ha of poplar; 200 ha of camphora and 800 hectares of slash pine;

1. rapid appraisal and survey of forest areas to submit to plantation;

2. identification of plantation stands;

3. land preparation work (including staking out of contour lines and plantation lines on flat land; pitting and vegetation removal...);

4. Establishment or rehabilitation of nursery for seedling production;

5. Seedling production

6. Plantation;

7. Tending and control of work achieved and monitoring of results

Plantations achieved and in healthy conditions

31.3. Identify, characterize and effect work on selected forest areas for protection and biodiversity conservation

1. Areas of natural vegetation and with rich biological diversity identified and selected stands set apart for conservation over around 1000 ha.

1. assessment of intact natural forest stands with interesting plant and animal systems for conservation;

2. delineation and marking of areas for conservation;

3. establish rehabilitation and conservation plans;

4. provide complementary training to national staff in charge;

5. organize introductory sessions to participatory approach to community based management and conservation for biodiversity

existence of a set of effectively protected forest stands in the Municipality on a minimum of 1000 ha

31.4. Improve and promote the capability of Forestry Staff and people's involvement in forestry and conservation

All the staff involved or no, informed and sensitized in the approach of the project especially its endeavour to link conservation, forest protection and production and sustainable development;

11Organize introductory workshop/seminar at project inception

12. Organize mid-course workshop

13. Organize end of project symposium

Familiarity of provincial and municipality forest staff with emerging concepts on sustainable development and conservation


Focussed skills of staff improved on various aspects of sustainable forest management and conservation, silviculture and restorative plantation

Organize workshops and training sessions on various technical issues as necessary:

* participatory approach;

* restorative silviculture;

* nursery techniques and plantation;

* conservation and development;

* study tours

A more efficient staff with improved skills


Shared experience with populations and proven adoption and practice of community based/individual forest/tree resources development/ conservation

Organize as necessary sessions on:

* assessment of local understanding of participatory cooperation;

* Interaction people and natural resources management and conservation;

* Ways and Means to improve people's involvement in conservation and development of natural resources;

*Forest resources conservation, tree planting and food security/insecurity and vulnerability

* Building preparedness to emergencies

* Increased number of community and individual initiatives on forest development and conservation;

* Improved cooperation between Forestry Administration and communities;

Increased popular culture and knowledge on linkages between conservation, rural development and food security


This project will be a cooperative initiative between ... Municipality and Yyyy Province, the Government of Xxxx, the Government of and FAO of the UN. The Government contribution to the project is understood as a combination of the contributions of the Government, the Yyyy Province and ... Municipality. The inputs of the combined set of FAO and the Government of are included as Donor's contribution, while FAO is implementing agency. The inputs described below will be assigned to one or the other participant as appropriate.

Contribution of the Government:

National expertise:

The Government of Xxxx will provide for the implementation of the project adequate national staff in the areas of:

  • forestry administration and management for the overall management and direction of the project;
  • watershed management and forest protection;
  • forest management and silviculture;
  • forest plantation and agroforestry;
  • extension and community forestry;
  • management of protected areas and conservation the biological diversity;
  • any other technical support felt necessary in the course of project implementation.

Other National Personnel:

To facilitate the implementation of the project, it might be necessary to complement the national and local efforts and provide secretarial/clerical support. Also casual labour should be complemented. A dual provision of respectively 150 unit/month for secretarial/clerical support (60 per annum for two and half years) and 500 man month of casual labour are planned (200 per annum for 2.5 years)

Technical Cooperation among Developing Countries:

Within the implementation of the project cooperation between countries should be encouraged, putting Xxxx experience at the disposition of countries with similar natural conditions, but also providing to Xxxx, as deemed necessary specific experience acquired in the region and relevant to the various domains of the project as indicated above.

Contribution of the Donor:

International expertise:

Xxxx and Yyyy province and ... Municipality seem to be endowed with adequate and qualified expertise for the implementation of the project. However as necessary, the Government of and the implementing agency will provide international expertise to the implementation of the project. This will provide outside view and encourage exchange in approaches and technology options in the implementation of the project. It will include:

  • a provision of consultant time to be used as appropriate during and at critical junctures in the implementation of the project (2 man/months are planned for);
  • backstopping support of technical staff of the implementing agency involved in the design and implementation of the project; an equivalent for 1.5 man/months is planned
  • review of project implementation as usually provided in technical cooperation projects; an equivalent of 1.5 mm is planned.

Training and Scholarships:

The relating provision will support the following:

  • national workshops and seminars as described in objectives and activities above;
  • training sessions and workshops for populations involved in the project;

Equipment and expendable material:

The implementation of the project will necessitate equipment and investment for

  • the building of limited infrastructures which are needed (nurseries, protection of plantation, small works ..etc);
  • office equipment.

Administrative and Operational Services:

These costs are levied to counterbalance the costs of administrative and operational services which are a necessary and inherent part of this project which the Organization agrees to execute, but which, because of their nature, cannot be readily or directly singled out for charging to the project itself.


No particularly severe risks seem to be linked to the implementation of the projects. The only existing are those linked to vagaries of the weather patterns which may produce the following:

  • unexpected occurrence of floods may disturb the physical realization of the projects by destroying plantations or nurseries;
  • insufficient sensitization and training of staff may impede sound implementation of the project, as well inadequate information and association of individuals and communities;
  • lack of smooth cooperation and coordination between the various steps and hierarchies involved in the implementation of the project may hamper transparency and reduce cooperation in a participatory implementation of the project.


It will be necessary that the following pre-project measures are duly taken before start up:

  • The Government designate proper counterpart at national level through which the exchange of information and decision making process concerning the project are made;
  • The Government and the ... Province designate and make functional the national executing agency of the project and the units in charge of implementation at the provincial, municipal and township levels;
  • The rules outlining decision and information lines are well established and described;
  • The staff necessary for the implementation of the project is identified and given clear responsibility in the development, activities, reporting of the implementation of the project.





Year 1

Year 2

Year 3




US $





International Staff










Evaluation mission






FAO Technical Support











73, 000








National Experts and Consultants



National Consultants



Forest Administration & Management


9, 000









Forest Management and Silviculture


6, 000









Forest Plantation and Agroforestry











Extension and Community Forestry











Watershed Management & Forest Protection









Management of Protected Areas and Conservation of Biological Diversity








1757 Others


3, 000








45, 000










118, 000








General Operating Expenses


Provision for premises maintenance










Provision for running cost project










Provision for communication


























Miscellaneous Supplies


Office Supplies










Computer and other equipment






Miscellaneous Supplies for Nurseries and Plantations (plastic bags, phytosanitary products..)






















Provision for Office Furniture


10, 000








Provision for Audiovisual and Didactic Material


15, 000




TOTAL 6000













Improvement/upgrading of building for nursery






Fencing Material for nurseries, plantations and protection forests








TOTAL 7000


90, 000









Locally organized workshops for local populations and sensitization work








Workshops for upgrading national staff (around 3 sessions per annum including inception and final)










TOTAL 8000


67, 000












262 700






Administrative and Operational Services























The present project aims at

  • Restoring damaged natural and pre-existing plantations through management and restorative silviculture;
  • Contributing to the reduction of impact of the floods including prevention for the future through plantation of 1500 ha of poplar, camphora and pines in appropriate areas;
  • Restoring watersheds and protecting specific areas of forests for protection and conservation of biological diversity; in this around 1000hectares will restored and fenced off for conservation;
  • Introducing new approaches to community/participatory forestry;
  • Providing complementary training and sensitization to an already competent forestry staff, but further opening them up to new concepts and approaches in the concept of UN Agenda 21 and Country Xxxx application of this agenda and the National Forestry Action Programme.


The project will be mainly implemented by staff of the National Department of Forestry and in particular its units in Yyyy Province and ... Municipality. However a provision of consultant time to be used as appropriate during and at critical junctures in the implementation of the project (2 man/month may are planned for. The need for external support will be monitored as the project progresses and expertise might be sent at the inception of the project, at mid-term development of the project and before the closing of the project as resources permit. The support required may be of the following nature:

  • Support in the development of plantation schemes and selection of appropriate species as an outsider view could be helpful in species selection and exchange of germplasm;
  • Support in designing watershed management programmes and activities;
  • Support in conservation approaches for the protection of relevant remains of biological diversity.

Duration of assignments: For a comprehensive duration of 2 mm



Forestry Administration and Management Consultant

For the overall management and direction of the project.

The Government will have to identify in cooperation with FAO an officer who will act as the national director of the project. He will in cooperation with FAO and close collaboration with national authorities and under direct guidance of the Forestry authorities of the Province end the ... Municipality deliver the following:

Overall management of the project: in this he will be in charge of

  • Securing timely start of the project in cooperation with the local and provincial authorities;
  • Project major reports in particular the inception, periodic and final reports;
  • The design and planning of specific implementation programmes of the project;
  • The overall delivery of the project outputs and in particular the planning of the procurement of material inputs necessary to the implementation of the project.

Technical guidance and quality control: in this he will be in charge of

  • Identification and recruitment of national counterparts in the project in collaboration with national and provincial authorities:
  • The supervision and control of staff and consultants delivery;
  • The control, local clearance and distribution of reports and finalization in collaboration with staff and consultants.

Watershed Management and Forest Protection.

The project will be implemented on slope environment and will effect watershed management activities and plantations on slope. The wa6tershed management consultant will secure proper design and implementation of these activities. He will be in charge of the following:

Design and planning of the watershed management activities: In this he will effect the following

  • Rapid appraisal of the small watershed units that will need conservation and processing;
  • Evaluation and planning of works to implement;
  • Advice on and programming of the delivery of necessary material and implement to supply or collect
  • Advice on grassy and woody species to use.

Control of Achievements: In this he will secure the technical quality of work achieved and report as appropriate.

Forest Management, Silviculture, Agroforestry and Plantation.

The Forest management and silviculture specialist will advise on the conduct of the forest rehabilitation management and plantation component of the project. he will effect the following tasks:

  • survey the overall situation of forest resources in the Municipality and prepare an inception report at the start of the project;
  • estimate damage and suggest ways of recovering timber material;
  • prepare and guide the implementation of a silvicultural programme of rehabilitation of natural forests;
  • prepare an afforestation and reforestation programme;
  • plan and provide guidance for the setting of nurseries, establishment of plantation and maintenance programme for plantations.
  • He will also prepare advice on agroforestry activities and the agroforestry models to be replicated or developed in the area

At the end of his assignment he will prepare a final report and clear it with project management.

Duration of Consultation: Equivalent to a comprehensive duration of 6-man month spread as appropriate in project lifetime.

Extension and Community Forestry

The project will be implemented trying to involve local communities and individuals. It will provide support and facilitation to promote community and individual initiatives in tree planting and forest resources husbandry for local benefits. However, extension methods and approaches to community forestry will need to be assessed and improved in the framework of project implementation and cooperation with local population. The consultant will have to facilitate this process and assist in getting the following achieved:

  • assessment of local understanding of participatory cooperation;
  • Better understanding of interaction people and natural resources management and conservation;
  • Devising ways and means to improve people's involvement in conservation and development of natural resources;
  • Studying and assessing linkages between forest resources conservation tree planting and food security/insecurity and vulnerability.
  • Building preparedness to emergencies.
  • any other technical support felt necessary in the course of project implementation.

The consultant will examine all these issues and develop extension packages to convey them to local communities and families. He will also introduce such themes in the training sessions to be organized

Duration of Work: Equivalent 6 man/month spread as appropriate in the project lifetime. management of protected areas and conservation the biological diversity.

Protected Area and Conservation

It was indicated that a number of natural forest patches might be interesting to identify, assess and include in a conservation programme to maintain or enrich the local biological diversity. The Consultant will assist in meeting this objective. He will effectively identify, characterize and effect work on selected forest areas for protection and biodiversity conservation. To that effect he will undertake the following:

  • assessment of intact natural forest stands with interesting plant and animal systems for conservation;
  • delineation and marking of areas for conservation;
  • establish rehabilitation and conservation plans;
  • provide complementary training to national staff in charge;
  • organize introductory sessions to participatory approach to community based management and conservation for biodiversity

He will secure that elements are in place that will lead to the existence of protected areas of natural vegetation and with rich biological diversity set apart for conservation over around 1000 ha.

Duration of Assignment: equivalent 3-man month spread as appropriate through project lifetime.