

Project Title:

Strengthening of the National Codex Committee

Project Number:


Starting Date:


Completion Date:


Government Ministry responsible for project execution:

Ministry of __________

FAO Contribution:



Signed: __________

Signed: __________

(on behalf of Government)

Jacques Diouf
(on behalf of FAO)

Date of Signature: __________

Date of Signature: __________

(Brief description of the project expectations and outcome)


The Uruguay Round Agreements refer to the application of the "Agreement on Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) Measures" for food and agricultural products moving in international trade, including sub-regional trade. The term "sanitary and phytosanitary measures" refers to those measures taken by governments to protect human, animal and plant life and health. The SPS Agreement encourages governments to establish national SPS measures which are consistent with international standards, guidelines and recommendations. The objective of the "Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade" is to prevent the use of national technical requirements, or standards in general, as unjustified technical barriers to trade.

Under these agreements, Codex standards, guidelines and recommendations have become the specifically identified baseline for food safety, consumer protection and market access.

In this environment, Codex standards, guidelines and recommendations thus take on unprecedented importance with respect to consumer protection and international/sub-regional trade of food products. A primary function of National Codex Committees is to provide advice to government on the implications of various food standardization and food safety issues arising from the work undertaken by the Codex Alimentarius Commission and its subsidiary bodies. The strengthening of these Committees has therefore now become a priority. National Codex Committees are generally composed of representatives from the concerned ministries, including the Ministries of Agriculture, Health, Commerce and Foreign Affairs. Committees could have an Executive Secretariat and technical groups as required by the particular country's needs, including appropriate representatives from the food industry, confederations, academia, consumers and other associations in technical working groups.

The Government of X has requested FAO technical assistance in setting up a National Codex Committee taking into consideration existing structures dealing with various aspects of food control. In 1998, the Government set up an inter-ministerial committee to coordinate activities related to the quality control of products, especially foodstuffs, and services. The Committee has a permanent secretariat and is located within the Department of the Ministry of _____. The _____Control Department has been the Codex Contact Point for X since 1990.

The National Codex Committee would play an important role in analyzing and recommending to the national competent authorities the harmonization of national food standards with Codex standards, guidelines and recommendations. In the present negotiations to facilitate food trade among countries, constant information is required regarding Codex standards, codes of practice and other recommendations. Furthermore, _____is also actively preparing to ratify World Trade Organization (WTO) SPS and TBT agreements which also requires in depth knowledge about Codex matters.

The food industry in X is predominated by small-scale and medium-scale enterprises often operating using rudimentary techniques without established quality control procedures. Due to the increasing use of veterinary drugs and chemicals in food production, adequate control of chemical and veterinary drug residues is of growing concern in the country. The Government of X recognizes the importance of improving the quality and safety of locally produced foods in order to protect consumer's health and promote their food exports. It is considered as a priority by the Government to raise awareness of Codex Alimentarius in the country and to effectively use Codex standards, recommendations and guidelines in implementing appropriate food control measures.

The Government of X is committed to continuing the activities of the National Codex Committee after the conclusion of the project by using their own resources.


To establish and strengthen the X National Codex Committee and its working groups and assure its effective operation as an advisory group to the government on matters related to food standardization and food safety as recommended by the Codex Alimentarius Commission. Ensure full implementation of the Uruguay Round Agreements on SPS and TBT and also regional agreements related to the food trade.


The expected outcomes of the technical assistance includes the following:

a) An increase in the understanding by national professionals in government, industry and academia, of the importance of Codex work and the role of the National Codex Committee in both local food control matters and international trade;

b) An expanded and improved system, and an enhanced capacity, for both the technical analysis of Codex documentation and for the preparation of national positions on various Codex matters;

c) An operational plan of action for the application of Codex recommendations in the country, including the updating of the food standards to include aspects related to food labeling, food additives, contaminants, food hygiene, food composition, pesticide residues and veterinary drug residues;

d) Trained professionals in matters related to international procedures used in the setting of Codex standards, guidelines and recommendations.


The major activities of the project include the following:

National seminar
A one-day national seminar will be organized by the International Consultant on Codex work in collaboration with the national project counterpart, on the importance of Codex work in the decision-making process regarding the implementation of WTO Uruguay Round SPS and TBT agreements.

Participants at the seminar should be top level authorities involved in the preparation of broad plans for economic development, negotiations for economic integration and international food trade. Other participants should be national authorities responsible for implementation of SPS and TBT measures on food standards, quality and safety, as well as representatives from food industries, universities, food research centers, and consumers. The total number of participants is estimated at about 40.

Codex Information System
The Codex contact point and the National Codex Committee would be located in X. The Codex contact point is currently placed in the Ministry of _____. There is a need to disseminate Codex information, which is sent by the Codex Secretariat to the National Codex contact point, to all interested parties. A national consultant on information systems should review any present system available that can be used by the National Committee and recommend both procedures and equipment needed to expand and improve that system. This will permit more rapid and effective responses to queries on Codex matters, as well as concerted replies and position papers on policy matters.

Technical Workshops
Three national technical workshops of one week each to train national professionals and technicians on international criteria for the development of Codex Food Standards, guidelines and recommendations. The workshops will be organized/implemented by the national counterpart with the assistance of international and national consultants and/or universities or research institutions. Participants should be selected from national and provincial technical and professional representatives of industry, university and consumer groups involved in the work of the National Codex Committee. A maximum of 25 participants in each of these workshops is supported by the project. The workshop themes will be:

1. Developing overall food quality and food safety systems.
2. International criteria for the establishment of maximum permissible limits for contaminants and/or food additives levels in foods.
3. General principles for food import and export inspection and certification, including information exchange in food control emergency situations.

Study tours
There will be a 2-week study tour for two members of the National Codex Committee to Rome and _____. In Rome the study tour participants will discuss future directions in Codex Alimentarius Commission work and the role of national committees in its implementation. In _____, the study tour participants will discuss the handling of National Codex work in _____.


The main expected results will be a better recognition and understanding of the role and activities of the Codex Alimentarius Commission, and of the National Codex Committee and its relevance to the health and welfare of the country, the enhancement of international/sub-regional trade and the economic benefits which can be derived by the application of equivalent standards to all food products moving between countries.


- One International Consultant-Specialist in Codex work as project team leader (2 m/m);
- One International (TCDC) Consultant on Codex guidelines import and export inspection and certification system (1 m/m);
- One International (TCDC) Consultant on the establishment of maximum permissible limits for contaminants, additives and residues in food (1 m/m);
- One International Consultant (retired expert) on Codex recommendations for the application of food quality systems (1 m/m);
- One National Consultant on food control information systems (2 m/m);
- One National Consultant on food standards (2 m/m).

Technical backstopping missions:
Three technical backstopping missions by FAO specialists. The first mission by two officers (one from ESNS, and the other one from AGAH) will be undertaken on occasion of the national seminar and the second by the ESNS officer during one of the technical workshops.

Official travel:
Cost of travel by international and national consultants to sites in which seminars or workshops will be held.

General operating expenses:
Cost of supplies and materials, rental of office equipment, reporting, and translations of documents into national languages, etc.

Direct operating expenses:
Miscellaneous expenses incurred at FAO HQ related to project implementation.

Equipment needed for information retrieval and distribution systems. To include such items as computers, CD-ROM drives, software and other computer accessories.

- One 1-day orientation seminar to discuss the importance of Codex work;
- Three 1-week technical workshops on matters related to the work of the National Codex Committee; and
- One 2-week study tour for two members of the National Codex Committee to Rome and _____to discuss Codex work.


Each consultant will provide a concise report on his/her activities and major observations, conclusions and recommendations at the end of his/her assignment.

The international consultant, as team leader, will also prepare the terminal statement of the project according to TCP procedures. After finalization by the responsible technical services at FAO/RAP, this terminal statement will be submitted by FAO to the Government of X.


The Government of X will provide all local facilities and resources required in the implementation of this project. Specifically, it shall provide the following:

(a) A national counterpart for the project, on a part-time basis.
(b) Time and salaries of professionals who will attend the orientation seminars.
(c) Conference rooms and other facilities for each of the technical workshops and orientation seminars.
(d) Local transportation related to the work of the project and for consultants and national counterparts.
(e) Reproduction and distribution of technical materials of workshops and seminars materials.
(f) Office space and facilities for the project consultants.
(g) Provision of interpretation for International Consultants as needed.

In order to achieve the objectives and the expected results of the project, it is essential that the Government initiate the procedures for the establishment of the National Codex Committee.


1100 International Consultants

30 000

1700 National Consultants

10 000

1800 TCDC/ECDC experts

26 000

1900 Supervisory Technical Services

33 848

1910 Standard Supervisory Technical Services

1920 Supervisory Functions of LTU

1930 Field Missions

1950 Evaluation

(7 500)

(1 170)

(24 678)




99 848


Official Travel

7 000


General Operating Expenses

7 152



13 000


Direct Operating Expenses

13 000



34 000

Study tour (13 000)


3 technical workshops (18 000)


1 national seminar (3 000)



174 000

Annex 1


International Consultant

Specialist in Codex Work as Project Team Leader
(2 m/m 2 Missions)

I. Duties

Under the overall technical supervision of ESN, and the operational supervision of FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, the consultant will work closely with the national counterpart and the FAO Representative as project team leader. He/she shall provide leadership in the work of the other international and national consultants, as well as the national counterpart. He/she will be responsible for ensuring that expected outputs of the project be achieved with a high standard of professional and technical quality, according to the activity schedule of the project. Specifically, the consultant will undertake the following tasks:

First Mission (5 weeks)
1. Organize the project work in coordination with the national counterpart and produce the detailed project work plan and schedule of activities.

2. Review the objectives and activities of the project taking into consideration the Codex Medium Term Program of Work, the WTO Agreements and local food control priorities and problems.

3. Provide guidance to national consultants in carrying out their duties.

4. Prepare, in coordination with the national counterpart and National Codex Committee members, procedures to assure the active participation of all parties interested in the Codex work.

5. Prepare and implement, in coordination with the national counterpart, a seminar for high level officials and representatives of food industry, consumer groups and the academic community.

6. Define, in coordination with the national counterpart, the timing and location of the three technical workshops to be implemented as part of the project. Prepare a draft outline of the training programs to be followed in the workshops.

7. Assist in identifying suitable participants to be invited to attend the training workshops.

8. Prepare interim project report.

Second Mission (3 weeks)
1. Review progress achieved by the National Codex Committee in developing effective operational procedures. Discuss with them any outstanding concerns.

2. Participate in the conduct of the final technical training workshop.

3. Prepare a report of his/her mission, including recommendations on future work to be carried out.

4. Prepare the terminal statement for the project in accordance with TCP rules.

University degree in food control field with at least ten years' experience in the work of the Codex Alimentarius Commission.

Annex 2


International Consultant

Codex General Principles for Food Import and Export Inspection
and Certification

(TCDC expert - 1 Month, 1 Mission)

I. Duties

Under the overall technical supervision of ESN, and the operational supervision of FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, the consultant will work closely with the national counterpart and lead consultant. He/she shall carry out the following duties:

1. Review food imports/exports regulations and procedures and assess their compatibility with WTO Agreements.

2. Discuss the international principles for food import and export inspection and certification with National Codex Committee members and other food control officials.

3. Discuss ways to apply those principles in programs carried out by their organizations with National Codex Committee members and other food control officials.

4. Suggest procedures to incorporate international principles for food import and export inspection and certification into the curricula of relevant training programs for both government authorities and industry.

5. Participate in the preparation and implementation of the training workshop on this subject.

6. Prepare a report of his/her mission.

Expert in food import/export and in Codex work in this field.

Annex 3


International Consultant

Food Quality Systems

(Retired Expert, 1 m/m, 1 Mission)

I. Duties

Under the overall technical supervision of ESN, and the operational supervision of FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, the consultant will work closely with the national counterpart in performing the following duties:

1. Identify the institution(s) which could implement training on food quality and safety systems on a routine basis.

2. Review the training program suggested by the international consultant and adapt it to the local needs and resources.

3. Participate in the organization/implementation of the training on food quality and safety systems with a group of members of the Codex National Committee.

4. Participate in the evaluation of the training program and make necessary recommendations for its future implementation.

University degree in Food Technology, food services or related areas. Experience on application of food quality and safety systems and training of trainers required.

Annex 4


International Consultant

Establishment of Maximum Permissible Limits for
Contaminants, Additives and Residues in Food

(TCDC Expert - 1 m/m, 1 Mission)

I. Duties

Under the overall technical supervision of ESN, and the operational supervision of FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, the consultant will work closely with the national counterpart in performing the following duties:

1. Select the institution(s) that will host a workshop on limits for contaminants, additives and residues in food.

2. Review the training program proposed by the international consultant and adapt to the local needs, taking into consideration the proposed program of work of the National Codex Committee.

3. Participate in the organization and implementation of the workshop on maximum permissible limits for contaminants and additives in food.

4. Participate in the evaluation of the training program and make necessary recommendations for its future implementation.

Expert on establishment of maximum permissible limits for chemical contaminants and additives. Familiar with the work of JECFA and other groups of experts in this field.

Annex 5


National Consultant

Food Control Information Systems

(2 m/m, 2 Missions)

I. First Mission (6 weeks)

The consultant will work closely with the national counterpart and the international consultant/team leader. He/she shall perform the following duties:

- review existing data processing systems available to the National Codex Committee in relation to data processing requirements for Codex, taking into consideration changes that the CAC is introducing in the handling of Codex information;

- analyze ways in which the information system could be extended to cover selected priority municipalities or cities;

- prepare a list of equipment and materials required to update the local system;

- prepare a report of the mission.

During his second mission (2 weeks), the consultant will:

- assist in setting up the information system;

- provide any training necessary on the use of the system.

Expert in computer systems with at least 3 years' experience in computer programs for food control/food standardization. Good communication skills are required.

Annex 6


National Consultant on Food Standards

(2 m/m, Two Missions)

The consultant will work closely with the national project counterpart and the project team leader in performing the following duties:

First Mission (4 weeks)
1. Review and assess the existing food control systems, and its procedures, practices, infrastructure, organization, and its consistency with internationally accepted Codex standards and guidelines.

2. Review and assess the regulatory compliance policy, regulatory procedures and regulations intended to assure improved food quality safety and make recommendations, as appropriate, to update them, taking into consideration international recommendations.

3. Recommend ways for the work of the National Codex Committee to be used in the preparation of national food standards.

4. Prepare a report of his/her missions.

Second Mission (4 weeks)
1. Assist the international consultant in Food Quality Systems in the preparation and organization of technical workshop.
2. Participate in the presentations and discussions at the workshop.
3. Prepare a report of the mission.

Expert on national food standards and food control matters.

Annex 7


National Project Counterpart

The National Project Counterpart will be appointed, at no cost for the project, in consultation with FAO.

The National Project Counterpart will manage the project and coordinate the various project activities in the country. He will also coordinate all actions in close collaboration with the Lead Technical Unit (ESN) in FAO.

In particular, he or she will:

- be briefed by ESN regarding the project management as well as the experience of establishing and strengthening National Codex Committees in other countries;

- submit c.v. of possible national consultants to ESN for evaluation/approval;

- arrange for the scheduling of all activities planned under the project work plan and inform ESNS in advance regarding suitable timing of international and national consultancies as well as local activities;

- assist the international and national consultants in the performance of their duties and in particular make all arrangements (transport, accommodation, office space, secretarial support, training facilities, and study arrangements etc.) for the smooth running of the consultancies and project activities. He/she will also arrange for the purchase and timely availability of equipment and material needed in the project activities;

- assist in the organization of workshops and seminars scheduled within the project, including the identification of suitable local participants and arrangements for their participation, ensuring availability of required materials and services for the conduct of the workshop;

- monitor progress of project activities and liaise with ESNS in resolving any problems or outstanding issues;

- review consultants reports and ensure circulation to appropriate authorities.

Annex 8


Technical Backstopping Missions

(3 Missions of 1 Week Each)

First Mission (ESNS and AGAH officers)

The mission will take place on the occasion of the national seminar on Codex and WTO Uruguay Round SPS and TBT agreements.

It will be carried out by the technical officer in ESNS directly responsible for the technical backstopping of the project and a technical officer of the Veterinary Services Group, AGAH. They will cooperate with the international and national consultants in conducting the seminar. The ESNS officer will present lectures on the role and activities of the Codex Alimentarius Commission. The AGAH officer will give lectures on animal health issues in relation to the SPS and TBT Agreements under the WTO umbrella relating to both exports and imports, and problems facing the Government of X in this regard.

The ESNS and AGAH officers will:

- provide training for a core group of members of the National Codex Committee on food quality and safety principles and procedures;

- discuss with members of the National Codex Committee international criteria for the establishment of maximum permissible limits for contaminants, additives, pesticide and veterinary drug residues in food.

Second Mission (ESNS Officer)

The second mission will take place around 8 months after the start of the project at the time of one of the technical workshops. The ESNS officer will actively participate in the training of national professionals and technicians during some of the workshop sessions.

The officer will also make an in-depth review of the work carried out by the project, and a technical assessment of the quality of such work and its relevance to the establishment of the National Codex Committee. He will also identify problems and outstanding issues that could be dealt with during the project and discuss these with the national project counterpart.

The mission will also recommend further actions needed by the Government to ensure the sustainability of the project achievements and the effectiveness of the food control system in the country.

Annex 9

Indicative List of Equipment

Computers (3) US$9,000
Computer accessories US$4,000

TOTAL US$13,000

Annex 10

Breakdown of Costs for Training Sessions (US$)

National seminar on the importance of Codex work

Duration of training

1 day

Number of participants




Internal travel


Other training costs




Technical workshops

Duration of training (each workshop)

5 days

Number of trainees




Internal travel


Other training costs


Total cost (for each workshop)


