The project will be implemented under the responsibility of .......... (Ministry of Agriculture) and relevant Departments of the Ministry. The Government will make adequate arrangements for its own contribution and input to ensure smooth implementation of the project. The Government will, in particular, arrange for the following:

  • the National Programme Coordinator will oversee the activities, and provide policy and management guidance;
  • the ............ Department will be responsible for operational and technical activities. The Department will be assisted by national consultants, and TCDC and FAO ATS experts.

The Project Implementation Team (PIT) will consist of:

  • ......... Agricultural Officers as Site Managers from the ........... Department to be stationed at the sites;
  • .......... Assistant Agricultural Officers as technical staff from the .......... Department;
  • .......... Field Officers to work as Supervisors from the ............ Department to be stationed at the sites;
  • the salaries of the above officials, as well as of the implementation team participating in the project, will be paid by Government.

The Government will provide fullest administrative, managerial, technical and manpower support to make the project operational and effective. The Government will provide to the PIT, TCDC, national consultants and FAO staff:

  • all available documents, drawings, maps, statistics, data and information related to the work;
  • office space with the necessary utilities and furniture, including water, telephone, facsimile, electricity, desks, tables, chairs, filing cabinet, map files, desk lamps and adequate lighting necessary for efficient office use;
  • additional transportation, if required; and
  • secretarial and clerical staff, as required.